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Dragon's Maw/Full Moon Slash/Hindsight Sweep


"Awaken ye deathless souls...
Bring to me your steel...
For all those who have fallen...
We rebel!

Come, warriors unto the fight
And under this banner, unite!
Thou shalt not fear any God.
Take back your pride - your meaning, with me!

The earth will shake with your cries!
To heaven your songs will arise!
In the name of your souls...
In the name of your freedom...

Let your voices sing!
  (We'll let them sing!)
Let your blades ring!
  (We'll let them ring!)
And echo their words
Through all Gransys!

Like the colors of the Sun...
Dragon's blood in rivers run!

Our cries will ride the wind with fury and with fervor...
And carry warning to the ears of my usurper...
If it is God you seek, then you must look no further...
The face of your liberation is here!
I am come!

Pierce the sky
And pierce their hearts!
For I am the Wrathful...
I am the God shattering Star!"

Pawn Byleth