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Grand Levin; High Bolide; High Maelstrom

Holy Pact; High Miasma; Grand Frigor

Acuity; Articulacy; Attunement; Conservation; Emphasis; Gravitas

(G) Sanguine Stalk; (G) Laurel Circulet; (G) Alchemick Vest; (G) Carrion Mantle (Lg Heal); (G) Carrion Claws (Sm Stam on Kill); (G) Seeker Tights; (G) Carrion Greeves (Lg Carry); (S) Hellfire Cloak; Ring (Holy Pact; Dark Pact); Ring (Grand Levin; Grand Frigor)

Grinding Daimon for BBI Sorc armor and rings is getting expensive, but I'm practically soloing with Holy Pact Focused Bolt. RC situation will soon be dire and I don't want to go back to farming cursed dragons. More than willing to hire swap for any pawn knowledge and all the RC I can get. If I understand the system, the EXP from Daimon kills every 10 minutes should net nutty RC quickly.

Discord @SirThane

Pawn Raphtalia