
Pawn is inactive

Comestion, High Levin, High Frigor

Holy Affinity, High Anodyne, High Halidom

After my saved game got corrupted, I started over... But I started over (again) since I previously made some small mistakes when leveling up my pawn.
I built her to be a mix between offensive and support mage, so I split the six slots into three attack spells and three support spells. Her magic damage reaches 3k.

Current equipment:
◉ Dragonwing Circlet
◉ Sovereign's Mantle
◉ Silver Chestplate
◉ Carrion Mantle (Gradually restores Health)
◉ Carrion Claws (Extends duration of attribute boosts applied to you)
◉ Delta Guard
◉ Carrion Greaves (Increases maximum item-carrying capacity)
◉ Dominion Claw
◉ Savior Ring
◉ Ogre Bone

✔️ Bestiary, quests and locations are 100% complete.
✔️ Health: 4025
✔️ Stamina: 4180
✔️ She has great carry capacity to carry your precious junk (sinew equipped)
✔️ Focused Bolt as only core skill equipped
✔️ Self-health regeneration

Feel free to add me on Steam.

Pawn Anya