Dragon's Maw, Heavenward Lash
*** I accept all friend requests. If I denied yours it's because I made a mistake, and if I didn't send one back right after it's because your privacy settings didn't let me. ***
Augments: Clout, Vehemence, Impact, Ferocity, Sinew, Egression
Dressed for style rather than big numbers, but decked out in gold rarefied gear and Lv3 BBI weapons for a more than respectable showing. Immune to torpor, blindness, sleep, possession, skill stifling, curse, petrification, and lowered strength. Has a very high carrying capacity and turns into a stamina battery when given lots of group stamina curatives.
I put a lot of work into this pawn and want nothing but to see her out and about, but if you'd feel so inclined, I'd happily take a Lv3 Gear off your hands. The Master Ring grind of Fashion's Dogma is eternal, after all. ♪