Barahir "The Bear"

Barahir "The Bear"
Pawn has been edited within the last 2 weeks

Hundred Kisses, BrainSplitter

5 Fold Flurry, Hailstorm Volley

AKA “The Bear.”
--My main pawn on PS5! Created Long, long ago!!
--Very High damage.
--She is one of the premier Urdragon pawns, used by myself (417 recorded ones) as well as several other top Hunters on the PS4 UrDragon Table.

--I am very proud of my gal, she has done well for me and others.

--Her build was requested so often I created a video for her. She doesn't have Proficiency as an augment, however (2024)

--Thanks everyone who has utilized her--I really appreciate the upvotes you have given her!!

Pawn Barahir "The Bear"