Build for spellsyncing, Bayard only have first-tier spells and will do amazing when working with a pawn or arisen using the same spells but of a higher-tier. Since casting time is very short, he often have time to use Frigor between syncable spells
Bayard would benefit greatly from carrying a Wyrmking’s ring in his inventory. Dont hesitate to DM me if you need an extra ring for him, Ill be happy to send you one!
• Sanguine Stalk (GR)
• Bolide
• Fulmination
• Seism
• Frigor
• High Voidspell
• Acuity
• Attunement
• Emphasis
• Articulacy
• Conservation
• Sinew
• Bestiary: 100%
• Quests: 100%
• Travels: 100%